Torah Dedication
“It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and those who support it are fortunate”
Judith Loseff & Family Torah Dedication
Dedicated in honor of her children and grandchildren
לזכר ולעילוי נשמת יוכבד בת יוסף ע'ה וחיים שלמה בן שמואל ע'ה
Artist Quarter Minyan invites you to Be a part of it!
Own spiritual real estate in Tzfat - Buy an honor in our community Torah!
In Jewish tradition, a Torah is welcomed to the community as a new bride and groom are celebrated by their families and friends. The Torah is introduced under a traditional marriage canopy (Chupah) and is accompanied by music and festivities. Every community member is an integral part of the celebration - just as a family member is to the wedding.
Please join us in writing history by dedicating a part of the Torah and by participating in the festive celebration.
Monday August 21, 2023 / Elul 4, 5783
Completion ceremony at 3:00pm at the Tzfat Kabbalah Center Alkabetz st.
4:30pm Parade to AQM 45 Tet Vav & Hakafot
5:30pm Hakafot
6:15pm: Festive meal
Please RSVP
Inviting all men, women and children to take part in this auspicious celebration!
Bring your flags and musical instruments!
Those who purchased an honor and would like to complete a letter in the completion ceremony MUST arrive at 3:00pm to the Tzfat Kabbalah Center to ensure a letter.
Memories from our previous Torah dedication ceremony!